About Huney...

I'm very optimistic and not to judgmental, I'm bi-racial (half Asian: Filipina & half African: Sierra Leonean), I'm a Scorpio born in the year of the Dragon (1988), I enjoy improving my lifestyle and having the finest things in life! I'm a BlackBerry ADDICT!! And I can be girly but at the same time I tend to posses boy-like-tendencies...


under construction

Living in the forest..

Ok so I know this is totally random but whos ever wanted a tree house as a child? lol I know I did me and my brother would always beg my dad to make a tree house and he always said "yah i will... when i have time" and so sad that time never came LOL so I was checking my emails then i just so happen to run into this article..

Unique Spaces: Free Spirit Spheres By Lisa Felepchuk

Did you love tree forts as a kid? If so, the Free Spirit Spheres may be for you.

Hanging high above the forest floor in Qualicum Beach BC, are large spherical structures that can be lived in. The creator, Tom Chudleigh, originally started off building boats when the idea came to him. “At first I thought I would build a spherical houseboat. I had already been building boats for 10 years at this point… Conventional architecture is all about separation… But in a sphere, the walls, floor, and ceiling all become one,” says Chudleigh.

The wooden spheres use the surrounding forest as their foundation, and are suspended by three, nearly vertical, ropes. The spheres hang in the center of the three trees, and can be slung up to one hundred feet off the ground. Built like a large nut, the spherical shape is well adapted to forest life, since it distributes any impact throughout the skin and resists puncture or cracking. The suspension ropes, which stretch, also absorb some of the force.

Inside, each sphere has been wired with power, sound and telephone. There is room for a bed, sitting area, cupboards and counter space. The spheres can be lived in year around, since they have been insulated. All of the brass fittings were cast by hand using Chudleigh’s original designs.

haha crazy ain't it? check out the photos i think its pretty cute!!

1 comment(s):

  1. ASKYE said...

    l00ks nice but d0 pe0ple actually live in there? id be afraid that the strings may break l0l

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Opinions expressed from 'Huney Says Online' are from my own personal thoughts and experiences. None of the photos on 'Huney Says Online' belong to me, except those personally taken by me and/or stated otherwise.