About Huney...

I'm very optimistic and not to judgmental, I'm bi-racial (half Asian: Filipina & half African: Sierra Leonean), I'm a Scorpio born in the year of the Dragon (1988), I enjoy improving my lifestyle and having the finest things in life! I'm a BlackBerry ADDICT!! And I can be girly but at the same time I tend to posses boy-like-tendencies...


under construction

If you had a million dollars, what's the first thing you'd buy?

I wouldn't buy much but I'd make investments!

Ask me anything!!


Ask me questions about ANYTHING! http://www.formspring.me/huneyxxx


Opinions expressed from 'Huney Says Online' are from my own personal thoughts and experiences. None of the photos on 'Huney Says Online' belong to me, except those personally taken by me and/or stated otherwise.