About Huney...

I'm very optimistic and not to judgmental, I'm bi-racial (half Asian: Filipina & half African: Sierra Leonean), I'm a Scorpio born in the year of the Dragon (1988), I enjoy improving my lifestyle and having the finest things in life! I'm a BlackBerry ADDICT!! And I can be girly but at the same time I tend to posses boy-like-tendencies...


under construction

Hair Care Journey Part II

So it's been over a year since I started my 1st hair care journey! I'm planning on starting my 2nd hair care journey but I'm thinking about vlogging it instead of blogging it.. hmmm? still undecided! But yes of course I went back to hairlista honestly ladies for those of you starting or re-doing your hair care journey I say you join the hairlista network its SO helpful (and no I am not affiliated with hairlista in anyway I personally recommend it!)

Its like 1AM and I'm SO tired to type some more I think I'm going to make a video tomorrow to take you back on my 1st journey and let ya'll know my hair regime and what I've been doing and what I will be doing...

Here's a pic just to show you my hair process from my 1st hair care journey to now...

Visit HAIRLISTA INC. Healthy Hair Network


I'm not sure if its for good! But we'll see! ;)

I have an announcement to make, may not be a big deal to you but it is to me! LOL
BUT I'm planning on starting my hair journey part 2!! The 1st one was such a success I think I should do a 2nd one! LOL but I'll make another post for it but for the mean time...

Follow me on tumblr: http://Huneeey.tumblr.com
Follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/xxxhuney
any questions? HuneyOnline@gmail.com


Opinions expressed from 'Huney Says Online' are from my own personal thoughts and experiences. None of the photos on 'Huney Says Online' belong to me, except those personally taken by me and/or stated otherwise.