About Huney...

I'm very optimistic and not to judgmental, I'm bi-racial (half Asian: Filipina & half African: Sierra Leonean), I'm a Scorpio born in the year of the Dragon (1988), I enjoy improving my lifestyle and having the finest things in life! I'm a BlackBerry ADDICT!! And I can be girly but at the same time I tend to posses boy-like-tendencies...


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Lip Plumper review

So I bought these lip plumper's awhile back but haven't really been using them. The first one is Lip Potion by Physician Formula and the second one (the gold one) is Lip inflation extreme by Sally Hansen.
To tell yu the truth I really DON'T like both of them because the LIP POTION is to thick and sticky and it just doesn't look good its like its the thickness of the the product that makes your lips look big. And as for LIP INFLATION EXTREME it burns/stings the lips ALOT and I noticed after every time I used it my lips start to chap and peel off!! =(

So I'm still in a quest looking for good Lip Plumpers for the ladies who need it =) I don't really need it but I want. I mean my lips are big (well NORMAL size) and I'm looking for fuller lips, lips like Angelina Jolie (AHHH SHES HOTT!!) so yeah I'm definitely still going to try and find and test out other lip plumpers that they have in the market (SO LADIES LOOK OUT FOR LIP PLUMPER REVIEW PART II) but if you ladies have any suggestions and know any lip plumpers that are really good feel free to comment and let other ladies in on the secret =P

2 comment(s):

  1. Jillian said...

    you don't need lip plumper girl!!!!

    but if you find any i'll take some!!

  2. Anonymous said...

    Thanks for the review!

    My absolute fave lip plumper is this one: http://www.salonhive.com/cushy-lips.html

    It works really well and yet it is so gentle to my lips.

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Opinions expressed from 'Huney Says Online' are from my own personal thoughts and experiences. None of the photos on 'Huney Says Online' belong to me, except those personally taken by me and/or stated otherwise.