About Huney...

I'm very optimistic and not to judgmental, I'm bi-racial (half Asian: Filipina & half African: Sierra Leonean), I'm a Scorpio born in the year of the Dragon (1988), I enjoy improving my lifestyle and having the finest things in life! I'm a BlackBerry ADDICT!! And I can be girly but at the same time I tend to posses boy-like-tendencies...


under construction

Mini Haul: GirlProps

Ok so here it is I finally get a chance to do my mini haul from girlprops I've wanted to do for some time now :)

So the first time I purchased I got: sunglasses, studs, 24 pack pearl studes and a gold scorpio necklace...

and honestly I friggin' love all the products alot that I just had to get more!!
so the second time I purchased which was right away haha I just got a gold snake ring!! I was going to get bangles but I didn't find any that where to appealing to me..

I'm thinking about getting more rings again soon! I love some of the rings they have its very appealing its so EYE CATCHING!!

and yu know what else is eye catching? those sunglasses I purchased.. I get TONS of compliments and stares because of them they are truely unique and I LOVEEE 'EM!! but I don't recommend that yu wear it on dark days because the dark part of it is really DARKKK so its actually very good on them sunny days! :)


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Opinions expressed from 'Huney Says Online' are from my own personal thoughts and experiences. None of the photos on 'Huney Says Online' belong to me, except those personally taken by me and/or stated otherwise.